The StructurePreviewProps type is used to define the structure of the widget preview. The widget preview is used to visualize the widget in the Mendix Studio Pro and Studio. It can be used to render a custom image, a container, a row layout, text, a drop zone, a selectable object, or a data source. The widget preview can be used to visualize the widget in the Mendix Studio Pro and Studio. It can be used to render a custom image, a container, a row layout, text, a drop zone, a selectable object, or a data source.

interface RowLayoutProps {
    backgroundColor?: string;
    borderRadius?: number;
    borderWidth?: number;
    borders?: boolean;
    children: StructurePreviewProps[];
    columnSize?: "fixed" | "grow";
    grow?: number;
    padding?: number;
    type: "RowLayout";

Hierarchy (view full)


backgroundColor?: string

HTML color, formatted #RRGGBB

borderRadius?: number

Integer. Can be used to create rounded borders

borderWidth?: number

Integer. Can be used to set the width of the border

borders?: boolean

Sets borders around the layout to visually group its children

columnSize?: "fixed" | "grow"

When columnSize is not set (or set to "fixed") all available space is split into fixed weights. It will then fit the child content into the column, rather than expanding and shrinking the column based on the content size.

When columnSize is set to "grow", the column sizes are determined by the content. When there is leftover space, the space is distributed over all columns. To influence the relative amount of space into which a child grows, you can set a grow factor for each child. The column will then grow proportionally according to this factor. Children without a grow value automatically receive the value 1.

grow?: number

grow is optional and only takes effect if the current element is a child of a row layout

padding?: number

Integer. Adds padding around the container

type: "RowLayout"

The type of the preview element

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